Do you need to copy an object from one S3 bucket to another? use the copyObject API

var params = { Bucket: "destinationbucket", CopySource: "/sourcebucket/sourceKeyName", Key: "targetKeyName" }; s3.copyObject(params, function(err, data) { if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred else console.log(data); // successful response });

If you are moving the object from one bucket to another but not making a new copy, you will want to delete the original object. So you are not actually moving the object but rather making a copy of it in a new location and then deleting it form its original loation.

const moveAndDeleteFile = async (file,inputfolder,targetfolder) => { const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const copyparams = { Bucket : bucketname, CopySource: encodeURI(`/${sourceBucketName}/${file}`), Key : targetfolder + "/" + file }; await s3.copyObject(copyparams).promise(); const deleteparams = { Bucket : bucketname, Key : inputfolder + "/" + file }; await s3.deleteObject(deleteparams).promise(); }
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