Animating Page Transitions in Gatsby with Framer Motion

Framer Motion makes it simple to add complex animated page transitions to your Gatsby project.

Step 1: Install framer Motion

To install the plugin, use your favorite package manager.

npm install framer-motion


yarn add framer motion

Step 2: Edit your Layout component

It is a common pattern in Gatsby development to use a layout component for setting up your site and then have the pages get generated with the children props passed into the Layout component. Importing Framer here will allow us to control the animation on routing for page transitions.

Set your variants to control your animation as desired.

Wrap the div where you pass the children into with the AnimatePresence component the was imported from framer-motion.

Change the div tag that contains the chldren to be motion.div and pass it the variants needed for framer motion. Make sure that the otion.div has a key and use the location.pathname to set that key.


import React from "react" import { motion, AnimatePresence } from "framer-motion" import Header from "../components/header" import Footer from "../components/footer" const duration = 0.5 const variants = { initial: { opacity: 0, x: 100 }, animate: { opacity: 1, y: 0, x: 0, transition: { duration: duration, delay: duration, when: "beforeChildren", }, }, exit: { opacity: 0, y: 200, transition: { duration: duration }, }, } export const Layout = ({ children, location }) => ( <StaticQuery query={graphql` query SiteTitleQuery { site { siteMetadata { title author } } } `} render={data => { return ( <> <Header siteTitle={} /> <div className="container"> <AnimatePresence> <motion.main key={location.pathname} variants={variants} initial="initial" animate="animate" exit="exit" > {children} </motion.main> </AnimatePresence> </div> <Footer siteAuthor={} /> </> ) }} /> ) export default Layout

Step 3: Edit gatsby-browser.js

In order for the Layout component get used on every page we can use the gatsby-browser.js file and api to wrap the Layout componnet arount each page along with the proper location data


import React from "react"; import Layout from "./src/components/Layout"; const transitionDelay = 500; export const wrapPageElement = ({ element, props }) => { return <Layout {...props}>{element}</Layout>; }; export const shouldUpdateScroll = ({ routerProps: { location }, getSavedScrollPosition }) => { if (location.action === "PUSH") { window.setTimeout(() => window.scrollTo(0, 0), transitionDelay); } else { const savedPosition = getSavedScrollPosition(location); window.setTimeout( () => window.scrollTo(...(savedPosition || [0, 0])), transitionDelay ); } return false; };


github ryanwiemer Most of this is a modification of that list of steps

© 2021 Marc Trudel, Built with Gatsby